International Vesak Celebration at Seattle, Washington
Phra Khru Sitthidhamvites, the abbot of Atammayatarama Buddhist Monastery ,kindly performing as the president of the monastic assembly, paid homage to the Triple Gem after that Phra Khru Bhavanavites, the abbot of Seattle Meditation Center gave an opening speech of the ceremony.
Islander unearths Buddhist relics
Unesco, archaeology dept urged to save Buddhist stupa
Jakarta Temple Honors the Old Ways of Buddhist Monks
Gautam Buddha's ashes in Darjeeling
Task Force recovers ancient conch, antique idols
Save the ancient Buddhist place - Mes Aynak
Let's come to save the big ancient Buddhist place, MessAynak, together before it will become a copper mine. You can protect it for Buddhism!!
Wuhan temple offers 1mln yuan award for the best design of carved Buddha
News about the Ancient Buddhist City ""Mes Aynak"" Protection
News about the Ancient Buddhist City "Mes Aynak" Protection
Office of National Buddhism’s Award
Office of National Buddhism has cooperated with WFBY to arrange the project of the 1st World Buddhist Leader Outstanding Award since the coming Magha Puja Day